In this video presentation I describe the history of the development of the standard big bang cosmology and how it is understood in terms of its philosophical underpinnings.  The Cosmological Principle is explained as the major and essential assumption upon which it all depends.  Due to this it has been required to invent unknown stuff, expansion of space, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, CMB radiation as afterglow of Big Bang, and Inflation.  None of these are experimental observed in the lab.  Yet all of these are needed else the standard ΛCDM model utterly fails.  Though we hear for the first time those speaking of discarding the standard model, they have built themselves a modern-day tower of Babel, an edifice of a structure that must be supported at all costs, especially since in 2011 the Nobel Prize was awarded for the accelerating universe driven by the unknown stuff of science fiction—Dark Energy.

Think about it! All of the evidence for cosmological expansion comes from the cosmos itself.  There is no independent method to determine if space is expanding.  It cannot be experimentally verified in the local lab.  So the evidence must be accepted on faith to some extent, which makes the argument much weaker.  Cosmology then is not a science subject to the same experimental rigor that we expect of the repeatable science done in a laboratory today.  Look how ludicrous the so-called ‘science’ has become with the invention of ‘unknowns’ to explain the unknowns.  Therefore the philosophical nature of the cosmology leads to it being correctly described as, not science at all, but an atheistic belief system.

Presented at “Reasonable Faith” Tabor College, Adelaide, South Australia, on February 20th 2014.

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